Roles Needed
eBIS often recruits resources for roles on our client engagements. Please see Partnerships for a description of our process and the financial services professionals we work with. If one of our roles matches your skill set, please apply online. Below is a list of roles for which we are currently recruiting:
Derivatives Specialist
Position requires expert knowledge of derivatives, including pricing, margining, and collateral arrangements. Particular emphasis on experience with over-the-counter derivatives deals and their structures, including swaps, forwards, options and exotics. Experience with pricing concepts such as Black-Scholes and stochastic volatility. Ability to interpret pricing drivers and construct effective valuation models, especially concerning downside price movements relative to margining agreements. Experience with data and trend analysis of large-scale data volumes from derivatives tracking systems and analytic environments. Must possess excellent writing skills and have the ability to communicate ideas clearly and convincingly.
Retirement Plan Education Consultant
Devise and deliver training materials for defined contribution (DC) plan participants, focusing on two primary goals: 1) increasing familiarity with, and conveying the benefits of, plan investment options and 2) increasing plan participation rates. Position requires delivering training through various media, including live webinars, on-demand video, and in-person seminars. Requires the ability to construct training materials that are clear and concise, using applications within the MS Office suite and potentially other desktop publishing products. Applicant must have excellent communication and public speaking skills, as well as the ability to bond with people posessing varying levels of investment acumen. Requires thorough knowledge of investible asset classes, securities types, and fund types, including structure and costs. Position requires familiarity with modern portfolio theory, mean variance optimization, and correlation/diversification research.